The past couple of days were rainy and cold so the beach/playgrounds were not an option today. What do you do with 4 overly energetic children? Turn them loose at a McDonald's PlayPlace and hope for the best, that's what. We went to this PlayPlace:
HUGE PlayPlace |
The boys scoped this out the very first time we drove past the McDonald's. I promised them (me and my promises) that we could go there the next rainy day we had. Yesterday was a rainy day but they acted like such jerks in the grocery store that I postponed our trip to McDonald's until further notice. Today was further notice...especially since I was out of ideas what to do with them.
Clamoring up the PlayPlace |
Playing like a big boy |
Princess Pickle Bottom |
We had the place to ourselves for a while, then a Grandma and her 2 small grandchildren came in to eat. I'm guessing the kids were 3 and 5. After a while she tells the kids they have to leave because there are too many screaming kids. At that point there were about 10 kids total in the PlayPlace. Since my kids made up 40% of those "screaming kids" I made sure to take down her name and contact information to submit her for the "Grandma of the Year Award" which I'm sure she'll win by a landslide.
Hamilton Bubble Boy |
Not to be out done by her brother...Hayden the Bubble Girl |
The boys deemed this the "Best PlayPlace Ever" so it's a good thing we live so close. All 4 kids also liked the tiny potty that was in the bathroom. Win win for the Shaw's today.
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