Being from Michigan I'm no stranger to orange barrels at all times of year especially in Summer. What I am not used to is orange barrels in my yard. In the front yard. With a hole under a board next to it. Could this be any more enticing for 7 and 2 year olds to get into?
Orange barrel
All the gas meters are being replaced in our neighborhood. Currently the meter is located inside the basement which required someone coming into the house to read it. Can you imagine that? I know this is a thing in some areas but what a pain. I'm sure the end results will be worth it but in the meantime all the sidewalks, roads and yards are tore up all over. It makes taking a walk a little more challenging.
Hayden, "Don't hit our coconut tree!" |
The kids have enjoyed watching all the equipment coming and going but I'm ready for it to be over. This morning we all had the pleasure of being woke up by a jackhammer pounding out the sidewalk and curb on our corner at 6am. 6AM! I'm all for getting work done early but isn't there a noise ordinance in this town?
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