
Hayden:  Mom!  I hear an oncada (pronounced on-kay-da) in the tree!  I hear an oncada in the tree!
Me:  I'm pretty sure it's the neighbor across the street weed whacking the lawn.
Hayden:  No, Mom, it's and oncada.  In a tree.  Like the ones we saw in Michigan State.

Introducing the all new Oncada!  Features include:

-Reverse Back Bumper Person.  Unlike most vehicles that have a giant in dash tv screen for your reversing  Oncada has revolutionized backing up all together by including a small person that lives on your bumper!  Every time you throw your car in reverse the bump person kicks into gear leading you to your backwards destination via walkie-talkie to the driver.

-USB, OSB, SBD, MVP and RSVP ports.  Every passengers that rides in the Oncada will be over joyed to find these ports installed every 2 inches along the seat, console, ceiling, floor and tires to accommodate a multitude of ridiculous media needs while driving down the expressway at 85mph.

-You Can't Touch Me Seating.  All seats in the Oncada are minimum 2 1/2 feet apart from each other.  Nobody touches anybody in this vehicle.  Nobody.

-Cleaner Shrimp Mode.  Smashed up fishy cracker on the floor?  Lost french fry down the seat crack?  Melted skittle in the carpet?  Not any more.  Just set your Oncadas Cleaner Shrimp mode to the time of day you desire and a swarm of cleaner shrimp will descend upon your vehicle much like the cleaner shrimp did to Nemo in the movie Finding Nemo.  Your vehicle will be spotless in a matter of seconds.

Ah, the new Oncada. What a sight to behold.

Or maybe Hayden was talking about a cicada which is not at all a ridiculous new made up car but rather a bug that comes out of the ground every 3-5 years depending on the type of cicada.  It does spend it's time in trees and makes a very distinctive sound and she did see it in Michigan.  But still, I might buy an Oncada if it were available.
