In February, on our first trip to Milwaukee, we discovered the American Science and Surplus store. This store has all sorts of things like toys, office supplies, pulleys, do-dads, camping supplies, test tubes, tools, car parts, medical supplies, science experiment kits, duct tape, corks and tons of other stuff 7 year old boys would love to get their hands on. The Boys have been wanting to go back ever since. Today was their lucky day. Every Wednesday The Boys get out of school an hour early, in an effort to bridge the gap between pick-up and bedtime I try to take them somewhere fun.
After 2 and 1/2 trips around the store the kids finally decided on what treasures they wanted. Paxton and Parker both settled on large crystals and containers to put them in. Ham got 2 small glow-in-the-dark rubber ducks. The whole way to the store Hayden kept saying how she was getting a mingo and a unicorn, wouldn't you know they had those things there too so she got her wish.
As luck would have it there was a Geocache in the parking lot. It was a special type of cache we've never seen before. Park and Pax thought it was pretty cool. Can you spot it?
Spot the cache |
On the way home we stopped at a park, because, why not?
So proud he made it to the top |
Trying to keep up with the big boys |
In other news, we had the tub fixed yesterday, it now holds water and doesn't leak in the basement which is just the way we like our tubs. The little kids are so happy about this fix. They've had 2 baths in past 36 hours.
Cleanest kids on the block |
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