Had a nice morning Geocaching with the family. If you haven't looked into Geocacing I highly recommend it especially if you have kids and/or you like to learn new things about an area.
The first cache we went to was in the tiniest park I've ever seen. It was in an industrial area way off the main road on a peninsula next to the bridge that Jed goes over everyday for work. Man, that was a mouthful of descriptive words. The park is there to honor the bazillion fisherman shack homes that stood on the site for years. For some reason there was an anchor there that had nothing to do with the Polish immigrants that settled there. Weird, but the kids thought it was fun to climb on.
Climbing the anchor |
Pax was just outside this picture to the right pouting because he didn't want to sit on a post
There was an "oncada" on the historical marker.
Touching the "oncada" then giggling their faces off |
Ham and Hayd took turns touching the "oncada" until it fell to the ground. This was just as fun as climbing on the anchor.
The next cache we went to get was directly on the other side of the water from the little park. Unfortunately, the cache is no longer there due to construction but we did get to see the UWM Great Lakes Water Institute which is the largest academic freshwater research facility on the Great Lakes.
No cache just construction |
The kids were disappointed about not being able to find the previous cache so we went a little further up the water into the city to grab another one. It was at another SUPER tiny park that consisted of a 2 stall boat launch, 3 benches and about 2 trees. The cache was cleverly hidden under the edge of the break wall. I should have gotten a picture. The kids all took some swag. Pax took a Superman figure, Park took a plastic bee, Hayd took a plastic cricket and Ham took a HotWheel. We left some Mardi-Gras beads (because I hate the kids fighting over them) and a marble (because I also hate the kids throwing marbles).
Our last cache was a surprise. After Geocaching we planned on taking a hike in the park near the beach. When we got there Pax asked if there were any caches nearby. Surprise, surprise there was. In fact, we had literally walked past this cache all summer since it was about 20 ft off the path we take to the beach. It was in the V of some large trees. The kids were excited that it was there all summer and we didn't know about it. Again, should have taken a picture.
Instead here are some pictures I took earlier in the week when Jed, Ham, Hayd and I walked the trails while Pax and Park were in school.
Always willing to take a picture |
Ham did not want to take a picture |
On the biggest bridge |
This park has so many trails and there are a bunch more caches in this park to find. Now that beach weather is over we'll be doing a lot of exploring on weekends and early release Wednesday's so stay tuned for more pictures!
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