Art Show Fart Show

A couple weekends ago our school district hosted an art show at the library showcasing student art grades k-12.  When we received notes home that both boys had art pieces in the show we thought, no big deal probably all kids had art in the show.  It's a small district, about 80 kids maximum in their graduating class. Turns out there were only a limited amount of kids art in the show.  When Jed and I realized this were were extra proud of The Boys.

Pax had this self portrait:

Park had this clay fired monster:

A close up:

Then we were surprised to find that Parker also had a self portrait in the show:

When the art comes back home we are going to make frames and display shelves for their art to hang in their bedroom.  Pax also has a clay monster that is on the shelf in our kitchen.

The good news is anyone coming to visit us in the month of March will get to see these beauties in person because they are on display at our public library all month to support young artist month.  Lucky you.

Not lucky is Jed and I because at the art show reception there were cookies and juice for the kids.  Now every time we go to the library The Little kids demand cookies and juice.  Try explaining to 3 year olds that you don't get cookies and juice every time you go to the library.  Go ahead, I'll wait.
